Mark Pottier – Warehouse Manager
Each day Mark completes a laborious & complicated process to assure your tiles arrive on schedule, without damage, looking beautiful. Think of a staggering sequence of equations, with endless checks and balances. Countless verifications and confirmations. Boxes of substantial weight to unpack and check. Then recheck, label, document, and check yet again when it’s time ship out. It takes a lot of brains and brawn to get tiles from all over the world to show up on time. For over 17 years, Mark has done all these things – often by himself – with laser beam efficiency. He’s a consummate gentleman with a sly sense of humor, who has an impressive knowledge of, like, everything. He never gets knocked off his pins. Mark’s always moving, continuously problem solving, and saving our day. Just like a superhero.
what was your first job
Stock help, Star Market at age 17
what do you like to do outside of work
Weekly workouts at my gym, card games, relaxing and dining out
who would you pick to play you in a movie of your life
Chris Hemsworth
who makes you laugh the most
Jeff Dunham and Walter
what are your hidden talents
Winning bets against Joe
best decision you ever made
Being with my girlfriend
morning person or night owl
who was your idol growing up
Boston Celtics, Dave Cowens.
a favorite place
Seaglass Village, Wells, Maine
what super power do you wish you had
Invisibility – I get closer every year
what was the last book you read
Most likely a book from the Alex Cross series, by James Patterson
if you were in charge, what would you make a law
Banning stupidity
where’s your favorite place to eat
The 99 Restaurant
what is the one thing you must have in your refrigerator
Diet Arizona Ice Tea
who famous would you like to have dinner with past or present
John F. Kennedy or Kevin McHale
would you rather sing everything or lose the ability to speak?
To sing everything

120 Andover Street
Danvers, MA 01923
Phone: (978) 750-6650
Fax: (978) 762-8453